Bus Parking & Directions
General Information
Buses will park AND unload in the bus lot INSIDE the venue. All Pedestrians follow foot traffic signs to get to buses and parking thru venue area and stay off roadways as much as possible to help us keep car and bus traffic flowing efficiently. Coaches please remind athletes to PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO CROSSING GUARDS. They are working with the sheriffs to keep vehicle traffic AND pedestrian traffic flowing safely and smoothly at all times.
Parking & Directions
Buses enter the site through the traditional entrance. They will travel back to the old "back trailer lot" and around up to the ditch (where the porto potties are). Drop-Off is there. They can then follow the road back out of the site. Bus Parking is $45 per day to stay at the venue, drivers may also drop athletes off and leave if they wish.
Pickup is the same scenario for traffic pattern.
Please note, the drop-off/ pick-up for the shuttle buses will be in a different location than team bus drop-off/ pick-up and parking
For directions to Fish Creek, please go to our Directions web page.