
State boat Launch

SBL Map 2022 (6)
  • Regatta Director

    The Regatta Director can be found next to the SRA Training Center, located near Emergency Services and the Vendor Tent. Questions regarding results, protests, or general inquiries can be found here.

  • EMS & Safety Crew

    EMS and Safety Crews can be found next to the SRA training center under a large tent and under the direction of Wilton EMS. 

  • Registration

    Registration can be found in the SRA Training Center, located to the right of the regatta venue entrance (adjacent to the "Medal Presentation" location.  

Lee's Park

SBL Map 2022 (8)

NYS Boat Launch

  • Counter Clock Wise Traffic Pattern

    Boats launching and returning to the NYS Boat launch can move throughout the parking lot in a counter-clockwise pattern.  While it may be easier for you to "just launch," please stay with the boat moving pattern as it helps us run a smoother regatta!

  • Dockmaster Area

    The Dockmaster's area is reserved for coaches, athletes, officials, and rowing equipment.  Please be respectful of this rule, as it's just as important for the safety of our guest as it is for the fluidity of the regatta.

lee's park campground

  • Vehicle Parking

    Each team can purchase two parking spots in the rear of Lee's Park.  All other parking will be at the Saratoga Casino with shuttle service available to and from the regatta venue. More information on parking can be found HERE.

  • About Lee's Park

    Lee's Park is a privately owned camp ground.  Please be respectful of their rules, specifically 1) stay off the private docks and out of private areas and 2) drive within the 5mph speed limit.